The grow of the volume, variability, complexity of observance obligations, the different interactions between the market associates, or the number of corporative scandals, either nationals or internationals (Volkswagen, Siemens, Tobacco Chile y Case Pollos cases),or the push generated by the n°20.393 law about Legal People Criminal Responsibilities that stablished certain punishments of companies in front certain felony, stablishing sentences such as dissolution of legal person; prohibition of celebrating contracts with the State; lost of fiscal benefits; fines, and the important significance that has had the Free Competence Law. This has increased the interest from part of big corporations in involving medium and autonomies companies. These members require disposition of structures and qualified personal to operate these structures. Part of the main tools we give to our clients are:
1.Definition of competence, functions and budget of Compliance Officer.
2.Ethics Code Elaboration.
3.Criminal Prevention System elaboration, where it is categorized sanction behaviors, specific procedures in front of this kind of trouble, and the sanctions, too.
4.Complaint channels where can be seen facts that are risks of the corporative reputation, as well as the setting of some illegal fact sanctioned by our legislation.
5.Job Contracts adaptation.
6.Constant training of directors, executives and employees around legislations that regulates the content and new mistakes related with the corporative observance.
7.Adequation of Observance Norm Program General Character 385.
8.Risks Management through ISO 31000 that allows the implementation of an integral plan to develop and implement a program of risk management in support of the objectives.